Privacy Policy

Neovici AB and Neovici Holding AB ("Neovici", "we", "us", "our"), registration number 556000-2320 and 559105-2914, values privacy and the protection of personal data. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal data, and describes your rights regarding our processing of your data. This policy applies when you communicate with us or visit our websites, and It does not cover data processing we perform as a data processor on behalf of our customers using our service Cosmoz.

We collect only the personal data necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy and regularly review our data collection practices to ensure data minimization.

Sources of Personal Data

  • Information you provide to us directly
    Communications: Email address, phone number, or mailing address when you request information about our services, apply for a job, or otherwise communicate with us.
    Interactive features: Personal information submitted through messaging and commenting on social media pages.
    Surveys: Information provided when participating in surveys.
    Events: Personal information collected during conferences and other events.
    Business development: Information collected for potential business opportunities.
    Job applications: Information submitted in job applications, CVs, and cover letters.
  • Information collected automatically
    Automatic data collection:  user settings, cookie identifiers, browser or device information and location information.
    Cookies and other technologies: Information collected only through cookies.
  • Information collected from investors
    Contact information: Email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses provided by investors.
    Financial information: Details about shareholdings and transactions.
    Professional information: Job titles, company affiliations, and other professional details.
  • Information collected from other sources
    We may obtain information about you from third-party services, products, technologies, and organizations.

How we use your information

    • Administrative purposes
      Legitimate Interests: Direct marketing, research and development, network and information security, and fraud prevention.
      Compliance: Ensuring legal obligations are met.
      Job Applications: Processing applications and assessing qualifications.
      Events: Allowing registration for events.
    • Marketing and advertising
      We may use personal information to provide tailored content and advertisements, including email campaigns and interest-based advertising.
    • Other purposes
      Consent: Using personal information for purposes disclosed at the time of provision or with your consent.
      De-identified and aggregated information: Creating and using de-identified and aggregated information.
    • Investor information
      Administrative purposes: Managing investor relations, fulfilling legal and regulatory obligations, and maintaining accurate records.
      Communications: Sending financial reports, updates, and other relevant communications.
      Compliance: Ensuring compliance with financial regulations and reporting obligations.
      Legal basis for processing: Contractual obligation and legal compliance.

    International data transfers

      • Neovici may transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). When we do so, we ensure that your personal data is protected to the same standard as if it were being processed within the EU/EEA.

      Safeguards for International Transfers

        • When transferring personal data outside the EU/EEA, we rely on one or more of the following safeguards:
          Adequacy decisions: We transfer personal data to countries that the European Commission has determined provide an adequate level of data protection.
          Standard contractual clauses: We use standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure your personal data is protected.
          Binding corporate rules: Where applicable, we implement Binding Corporate Rules that have been approved by EU data protection authorities.

        How we disclose your information

          • Disclosures to provide our services
            Service providers: Sharing personal information with third-party service providers for hosting.
            Affiliates: Sharing personal information with affiliates for administrative purposes.
          • Disclosures of Investor Information
            Service Providers: Sharing information with third-party service providers for administrative support, legal, and financial advisory services.
            Legal Obligations: Disclosing information as required by law or regulatory authorities.
            Business Transactions: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or other business transactions, investor information may be disclosed to relevant parties.
          • Disclosures to protect us or others accessing, preserving, and disclosing information as required by law or to protect rights, property, or safety.
          • Disclosure in the event of merger, sale, or other asset transfers transferring information in the event of a merger, acquisition, or other business transactions.

          How your personal data is being used

            • Managing orders and purchases
              Processing: Collecting contact information, sending confirmations, and administrative handling.
              Personal Data: Name, personal identity number, contact information.
              Legal Basis: Contractual obligation.
              Storage Time: Throughout the processing of the order/purchase and 36 months thereafter.
            • Categories of personal data:
              Name: Identifying you as a customer.
              Personal Identity Number: Used in some jurisdictions for verification and legal compliance.
              Contact Information: Including address, email, and telephone number for communication and delivery purposes.
            • Legal basis:
              Contractual Obligation, processing is necessary to fulfill the contract between you and Neovici for the purchase of products or services.
            • Website browsing and interaction
              Processing activities:
              Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Collecting data on how you interact with our website, including pages visited, links clicked, and other browsing behaviors.

              Categories of personal data:
              Technical Data: browser type, operating system, device information, and cookie identifiers.

              Legal basis:
              Consent: Where required, we obtain your consent to use cookies and other tracking technologies.
              Legitimate Interest: To understand how our website is used and to improve its performance and user experience.

              Storage time:
              Data collected through cookies and similar technologies is retained in accordance with our Cookie Policy.
            • Communications
              Processing activities:
              Collecting contact information: When you contact us via email, phone, or mailing address provided on our website or other ways of collecting information.

              Categories of personal data:
              Contact Information: Such as email address, phone number, or mailing address.
              Communication Content: Any information you provide us with.

              Legal basis:
              Legitimate Interest: To respond to your inquiries.

              Storage time:
              Communications data is retained for as long as necessary to address your inquiries and for a reasonable period thereafter in case of follow-up.
            • Marketing and analytics
              Processing activities:
              Website Analytics: Analyzing usage patterns to improve our website and services.

              Categories of personal data:
              Behavioral Data: Data about your interactions with our website.

              Legal basis:
              Legitimate Interest: For understanding website usage and improving services.

              Personal data of website visitors will be processed according to our Cookie Policy.

            Protection of your personal data

              • We have implemented measures to protect your personal data, including:
                Training staff on data protection responsibilities.
                Administrative and technical controls to limit access.
                Technical security measures (passwords, MFA, firewalls, encryption, antivirus software).
                Physical security measures (entrance cards, codes).

              Your rights

                • You have the following rights regarding your personal data:
                  Access: Request information about data processing.
                  Rectification: Correct inaccurate personal data.Erasure: Request deletion of personal data.
                  Objections: Object to processing based on legitimate interests.
                  Restriction: Request restriction of data processing.
                  Data portability: Receive data in a machine-readable format.
                  Withdraw consent: Withdraw consent for future data processing.

                  To exercise your rights or for further questions, contact us at

                Changes to this policy

                  • We regularly review and update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our data processing practices or legal requirements. Significant changes will be communicated through our website or directly to you.


                    • For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at: Neovici AB, Stora Nygatan 27, 111 27 Stockholm, Sweden, or at